Sanitation & Cleaning Products

Smart ways for more hygienic solutions. We innovate on order and constantly develop products for easier sanitation. Our products can be tailored to your specific needs.

We make it safer. Piedestals to lift up shelfs and boxes of the floor for easier cleaning. Dosators for cleaning cabinet chemicals. Safe, mobile trash bins and our PatentDispenser for improved hygienic standards of dispersing soap, lotion and sanitation liquids.

Dosator for cleaning fluids
Canister to bottle dosator for cleaning cabinet
Hygiene improving feet and piedestal
Wheeled movers for any product
Soap, lotion and sanitiser dispersion pump PatentDispenser
PatentDispenser lotion pump packaging
PatentDispenser 1000ml bottle
PatentDispenser on foot
Trash Can Mobile Easy Bin
Trash bin mobile


Movägen 9

+358 10 219 35 66